Laser Scanner Station
B-SCAN - High Sensitivity Liquid & Powders Scanner Station

The BSCAN is a cost-effective, interactive, and highly sensitive bottled liquid scanner (BLS). It is capable of detecting hazardous substances such as narcotics in both liquid or powder form, while contained in glass, transparent, or translucent plastic bottles. As liquid explosives become a growing threat to aviation security, such explosives detectors capable of analyzing liquids disguised as beverages, perfumes, or cosmetics, in seemingly innocent containers, are crucial for thorough security inspection. The BSCAN utlilizes a unique method of enabling the rapid analysis of liquid containers, accelerating airport security checks and improving passenger service, all while increasing the probability of detection through highly efficient security inspections.
B-Scan Key Features

Unique Identification Technology

High Operational Orientation

Extendable Database


Seaport Security

Airports Security

Mega Events

Infrastructure Protection

Check Point & Borders