Innovative Detection Solutions
LDS is a world-leading developer of stand-off laser-based trace detection technology, based on advanced laser spectrometry.
LDS offers a range of man-portable solutions based on different techniques, for the detection and identification of explosives, IEDs, narcotics and HAZMAT.
Combat-proven explosive detection sensors based on different sensing and analysis technologies, detecting and identifying all types of explosives, and chemical agents. LDS’ Explosive Detection Systems are widely used in aviation and transportation security, military Counter IED, EOD and CBRNE operations, law enforcement, forensic, emergency response and security of mega-events.

LDS develops and produces field-proven narcotics detection and identification systems detecting and identifying different types of narcotics, drugs, chemical agents, and hazardous substances. LDS Narcotics Substances Detection Systems are widely used in law enforcement, customs, and counterfeit detection and inspection and security of mega-events.